Friday 14 January 2011

Check Out Brand New Episodes Now!

Hey Guys,

Just A Quick Note To Say That The First Couple Of Episodes Are Up! Follow The Series Exclusively Here:

Feel free to spread the crap out of these links, i dint go through all of this hassle for nowt.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

The Brief In Here: My Journey Begins

Hello Rob here,

I recieved the brief for thye 'Existance Is Futile' album artwork. Here is a brief segment from the brief;

"As discussed earlier this week via the internet, here are the details of this project. This album is due to be released in February 2011 (the exact date in unconfirmed as of yet). The client for this project is CI7IZEN850 and UP!DOWN! Records.
 ‘Existence Is Futile’ Is CI7IZ3N850’s 3nd studio album, featuring 2 discs worth of new material. One disc of brand new musical tracks, based around themes including the paranormal, psychology and politics. The second disc is CI7IZ3N850’s first spoken word album. This album is more polished and perfected than any of his previous releases, featuring a mixture of hectic chip tune noises, peaceful atmospheric messages and powerful political ideas.
CI7IZ3N850 is a UK based Hardclash/ Noise artists, specializing in experimental and chaotic sounds. His previous two albums were released on his own record label and he toured extensively with them.
We require album artwork for this release, featuring the title and standard logo and font of the CI7IZ3N850 logo. The item is to be sent twice via email and on an enclosed U.S.B. stick. The required image must be 13cm x 13cm at 300dpi."
With all of that in mind I must now research the Citizen to enhance my production of the cover. However after searching on google I came up with almost nothing. Guess I will have to try something else.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Hunting_Citizen Trailer

Here is the first teaser trailer for Hunting Citizen. I will produce a more concise one when I begin shooting.

If anyone can porovide me with any info as to the whereabouts and identity of the CITIZEN I would be very grateful, just drop it in the comments below.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

New Project, New Blog.

Hi guys, as a few of you are quite aware I am rob gale a freelance video editor and graphic designer, Most recently working with an indie record label based in the US producing album artwork. I have worked with bands such as Smashing Grandpa, Genetic Misprints, Brains over Prawns, Mute and The Unspoken and most recently a british artist entitled ‘CI7IZ3N850’.

Usually when I recieve a brief through the door, or via email, I can contact the artists to converse about what they require, or I know the artists personally and know what they will like. HOWEVER…

A few weeks ago I recieved requesting me to create an album cover for CI7IZ3N850’s latest release.

UNFORTUNATELY, he is impossible to contact, even Mute (The Record Label Manager) is clueless about what he might want and any other details.


Upon speaking to Mute I have permission to persue my own studies into ‘THE CITIZEN’ (As I will refer to him from now on), I do not wish to unmask him or his persona, just track him down for an interview type conversation that can be used for my own records and the label’s promotional material.

Along with this blog, I intend to produce a webseries, filming and recording my journey, entitled ‘HUNTING CITIZEN’.

(I know many people will be saying ‘why should we care’ however my findings so far are justification enough for me to persue him)